
Author Spotlight

Blog categorized as Author Spotlight

This week's author spotlight features co-authors Scott Angus and Emily Sopensky, who have collaborated on their new book Snake Medicine - Sacred Earth Sites: Seeing the Unseen, Volume 1.

This collection of photographs, essays, and interviews is the first in a series of personal odysseys that exp...

06.11.17 07:56 PM - Comment(s)
Author Spotlight: Brian Ray, author of Revelations Incorporated: Workplace Wisdom for the 21st Century

Throughout the next few weeks, we're going to use this space to highlight some of the wonderful authors that we work with, as well as their current and upcoming books! First up is Brian Ray, author of Revelations Incorporated: Workplace Wisdom for the 21st Century. Brian is a business expert and an...

23.10.17 04:34 PM - Comment(s)